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Implementation of the Nordic textile reuse and recycling commitment -hanke
Tila käynnissä 
Vastuutaho(t) IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Copenhagen Resource Institute, Østfoldforskning and Environice 
Tiivistelmä hankkeesta: 
The overall aim of the project is to strive towards a ten year goal of at least 50% of collected textiles are reused (either in Nordic countries or abroad) and 90% of the total is reused or where reuse not possible, recycled. This is to be done by implementing the Voluntary commitment developed in the project The Nordic textile reuse and recycling commitment during 2013-2015. It includes a certification system for collectors, sorters, recyclers and second hand traders of used textile and textile waste.

The project aims to:
- implement the developed certification in a trial period for certified textile collection and subsequent textile management
- test and validate criteria for sustainable and legitimate collection of used textiles and textile waste
- perform audits of a number of actors.